The Advantages of Spaying and
Neutering Dogs and Cats in Belton
At Belton Small Animal Clinic we recommend nearly all dogs and cats receive spay or neuter surgery. Yet, some pet owners may worry about the thought of eliminating their cat or dog's ability to breed.
However, this common procedure brings a number of health benefits to male and female pets, while also combating the problems of pet overpopulation. In fact, each year millions of cats and dogs end up in shelters, and not all of them will find forever homes.
With a dog and cat spay and neuter surgery, you can avoid unwanted pet pregnancies, thereby reducing overpopulation and increasing shelter pets' chances of finding a loving home.

Medical and Behavioral Benefits of Spaying and Neutering

Spaying and neutering pets is proven to extend their lifetimes by eliminating the risk of certain medical problems. Furthermore, it reduces problematic behaviors which are sometimes dangerous or disruptive. Some of the benefits of spaying or neutering your pet include:
- No heat cycles or spotting for females
- Reduces aggressive male behavior including spraying and mounting
- Eliminates mammary and uterine cancers in females
- Testicular cancer and prostate issues cannot develop in males
- Females are not susceptible to pyometra, a uterine infection
- Males and females are less likely to get lost or injured, as it reduces roaming instincts
Schedule your pet's spay or neuter consultation today by calling (254) 939-5823!

When to Spay or Neuter Your Dog or Cat

Our veterinarians generally recommend all puppies and kittens receive a spay or neuter surgery at six months of age. After your pet's first round of vaccinations, we will discuss a timetable for your pet's surgery. Depending on your pet's size or health, we may delay their spay or neuter surgery, but this is uncommon.
As with any surgery, our team examines each pet prior to their procedure and recommends blood testing to assess your pet's health before surgery. Your pet's safety is our priority! If we find that a patient has another medical condition or cannot undergo anesthesia, we will delay the surgery to address the issue. During the procedure and throughout recovery, we'll monitor your pet regularly.
After surgery, we will update you on your pet's condition. Additionally, upon discharge, we will go over follow-up instructions and thoroughly answer any questions or concerns you may have.
To learn more about dog and cat spay and neuter procedures or to schedule a consultation for your pet, call us at (254) 939-5823.